Thursday 13 December 2007


started to think more about my dissertation and am interested in the idea of sound used in movies, as mentioned in a previous post i think. Was guided to a term called "text painting" meaning the musical technique of having the music mimic the literal meaning of a song. In film however i believe this means more having the action sync the music.

One of the main examples that springs to mind is a scene in an old movie (1961 i think) called "The Errand Boy".

This scene perfectly captures what i like in films and i think there is quite a lot to write about and have also found that the term "text painting" or "mickey mousing" can have some negative connotations, particularly with film makers and critics and although I haven't found a lot of theory on this as yet I have found a few blogs that talk about these terms, the impications and examples which could prove to be useful.

Mickey Mousing

Sound as Vision

Now I have my starting point i need to find a few more examples of films and perhaps get quite specific. E.g films based in New York particularly Scorsese's work have music and sound that specifically relate to the time period and setting.

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