Monday 10 December 2007

and now for something completely different

now that hellish essay is out of the way, never ever to be looked at again ever, i can start thinking about something useful, like computer games.

loads of games have been suggested to me and one of my favourites is "Attack of the Funky Disco Zombies" which looks really pretty.

Not highly intuative which does give me something to think about for hints and tips in games, whether they're truly needed or take away some of the challenge. Also with constant hints does that make the game bad? should they be intuative without any sort of help. Same with instructions, maybe we should just know how to play something without being told if arrow keys or mouse movement is required.

Just been told about a game that has no instructions and is completely intuative. Fl0w reminds me of that old school snake game found on horrible brick like mobiles but much prettier.

Maybe within the narrative pieces at the beginning of games and the cut sequences helps in someway without actually telling the player all the whats, whys and hows. Like in playstation games, specifically the platform games so many cut scenes act as tutorials.

Also really need to think about the audience for my prospective game, if i make it for kids would it then be too boring or simple for older people to play? Do i need to make the narrative appropriate for a wide range of people? Or do i really need a narrative at all? Maybe the narrative could be built as it is played. Although i like the idea of a narrative.

i generally tend to think that what makes a game a success or more enjoyable is a clear cut goal, a good narrative and intuative but slightly challenging. I think more research is needed into this aspect and Chris Crawford seems to be my man.

I have a bit of an idea for a narrative, but seems quite focused on being for kids, which all my work seems to be about. I don't know if i want to get bogged down with the same sort of stuff or just go with it and make it what i specialise in.

Too many thoughts - bloody essay

1 comment:

Claire said...

Not highly intuative which does give me something to think about for hints and tips in games, whether they're truly needed or take away some of the challenge. Also with constant hints does that make the game bad? should they be intuative without any sort of help.

I agree. The game is difficult to play, and no clear instruction is given. I think basic instructions should be given with each big game you buiy in store that has loads of player features sp you can't possibley just know them all from looking at it, but that the game itself should be as intuitive as possible for basic movements and actions. With viral games, I think they should be totally intuative, because of their web based, casual gaming nature. They don't last long, and are mainkly used to relax or kill a few minutes, so instructions should be as minute as possible, and good userability must be of crucial importance!